Dibla Design Award 2016



Meeting area in open office


Dibla Design Awards WINNER

The Dibla Design Awards are recognition of professionalism and talent. The prizes for interior and product design are a true symbol of prestige and success in the industry. They are awarded for the highest level of competence and skill. The winners are selected by a highly acclaimed international jury. Dibla Design Awards demonstrate the level of design in Bulgaria, stimulate the designers' development and raise the participants’ reputation that contributes to their business growth.
Each award-winning project and its authors receive a certificate confirming the recognition of the demonstrated creative and professional potential. The international jury of the event guarantees the value of each Dibla Design Award. The nominees are evaluated by carefully selected world-renowned specialists so that the level of assessment is unparalleled for the country.
This way, the Dibla Design Awards each year prove and illustrate the achievements and successes of Bulgarian design to the business circles and the general public; give designers the opportunity to impress their partners, competitors, and the guild as a whole – to demonstrate their contribution for a more beautiful world, a more comfortable life and more successful business.



a design system for creating interior structures

Volen Valentinov